Cable Racking for Electrical Vaults
Benefits of Plastic
Cable Supports
- Non-conductive & Non-corrosive
- Grounding or Bonding unnecessary
- UL Listed Glass Reinforced Polymer
- Insulators are not required
- Excellent Dielectric Properties
- No metal fatigue
- Not sharp or abrasive

Which Cable Support System is Best for Your Project?
Most Versatile Cable Rack
- Use with non-metallic or steel stanchions
- Easy-Single pin bracket installation
- Remove arms without disturbing cable
- Load capacities comparable to steel racks
Heavy Duty Cable Racks
Heavy Duty Nonmetallic Cable Racks are the new standard in manhole racking. The HD Rack is non-conductive and will never rust or corrode. Grounding and insulators are not required.
- Loading capacity comparable steel cable racks.
- Molded from UL Listed Glass Reinforced Polymer
- Insulators are not required
- Excellent Dielectric Properties
Saddle Rack for
Easy Cable Support
- Cable rack for power or communication
- Temporary or Permanent Support
- Tunnels, Curved Walls, Vaults
- No need to tie cable to rack
- Drop in or lock in with our slip-on lock